So how does one marry an Italian man knowing that he is statistically inclined to stray? How do you marry any person knowing they might stray? How the hell do I know? Game Theory proposes a few different theories regarding defense mechanisms to prevent infidelity.
One of them suggests that punishing infidelity harshly is an effective defense mechanism. My husband has admittedly cheated on most of his ex-girlfriends because according to him there was no real reason not to. So I can get divorced and possibly get murdered?
But, just in case, I should mention that Lorena Bobbitt is a sort of hero of mine. Photo credit: Wikipedia.
How to Make the World a Little… September 27, April 24, My Book, Naked in Italy is Available! September 16, And many people followed my courtship and now marriage to my husband Antonio Gerenini, an Italian, through my writing. Still today, women write to me about that article on Italian men, and they ask me how to snag an Italian native. But some readers have the wrong idea about Italian men and my expertise, and I'd like to set the record straight once and for all.
Many women already have an Italian man in mind when they write me, and they share intimate details about their feelings for these men with me. While I'm honored that they think I somehow have some sort of magical powers that brought an Italian man to me, I honestly don't.
My husband and I met during one of my vacations to Italy; he is one of my cousin's best friends, and we all broke bread together. Then, my Italian man did all the chasing. He started e-mailing and calling, and he made the first visit to the States to see if our relationship could turn into something more than friendship. I was myself, and he liked me. I believe that my Italian language skills and Italian heritage certainly helped us communicate better and meant we shared certain intrinsic values.
Less than five years later, we married in Italy and had a vow renewal in the United States. For the moment, we're basically living half the year in one country and half in the other. It's stressful and hard but also kind of fun and exciting. I'm no expert on Italian men, however. Current issue TF November Sex and Our City Tova Piha. WP Post Author. Florentine exile and the tyranny of distance Jan Dickinson. Danella Lucioni windowtotheduomo Jane Farrell.
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