Despite this, I voiced my want for change. I suggested we should use the more recent mana triggered transformation like in Eldritch Moon or even use a few randomized triggers.
I even went as far to suggest we create transform cards much like mutate cards only they work on humans only aka the opposite. Just take it anyway you want.
And I was partially right. It is true that the Werewolves in this Innistrad set will all be two sided transform cards. But you will not find any of the triggers for the transformation on those cards.
Instead, Wotc has made it a more universal mechanic. Usually, your casting such a card will trigger the day side to begin the cycle. This is where it varies. And always, when it becomes day, your transformation creatures will flip to the daybound and, when it becomes night, they flip to the nightbound.
Pretty simple, right? Meet Tovolar, Dire Overlord. THEN, you get to chose which cards you transform. Our story today starts all the way back in the summer of There was a new set coming out called Legends. That meant that I had to camp out in front of the game store for an hour before it opened because I'd learned that if you don't buy a Magic set the day it comes out, it becomes a lot harder to get your hands on it.
I ended up buying four booster boxes, three of which I opened that day and one which I put away in a closet. One of the cards I opened was this one:. I remember reading the name and getting excited. Ooh, what's a Lesser Werewolf? But then I read the rules text. Okay, if I have enough mana, I could use it to kill a blocker or an attacker while blocking. But why temporarily reduce its power? And what exactly in the design conveyed the idea of transformation? It just felt like a swing and a miss, which was disappointing because I really wanted Magic to have a cool Werewolf.
Let's go forward a little less than a year to early Was I interested in starting an external playtest group? I would need to put together a play group of four to eight individuals to be sent playtesting material for upcoming sets. I said yes, that was something I would like to do. I got a bunch of my Magic friends from Los Angles together it's where I was living at the time , and we made a playtest group. The first set we were sent to playtest was Homelands.
The playtest cards were pieces of cardboard that had been printed out and cut into roughly the shape of a Magic card although a little shorter and squatter. The first thing we did at our very first meeting was open up the box of playtest cards and look at them. One of the first cards I looked at was this card. I was very excited when I read the name. Greater Werewolf. That had to be better than Lesser Werewolf. I enthusiastically shouted, "It's a Werewolf! Then I read the card.
Magic was now zero for two with Werewolves. Fast-forward to It was the third set in the Odyssey block, and we were experimenting with different types of designs with one of the block's mechanics, threshold. One idea we were playing with was having a few threshold creatures that were double-edged swords when you reached threshold. Yes, they got better, but there was some danger built into the transformation. This resulted in the following card making it to print:.
The card wasn't designed to be a top-down Werewolf. We'd used lycanthropy as a flavor for some of the threshold cards, so the Creative team felt this might be a good place to make a Werewolf. It was clearly a better card than the first two Werewolves it at least incorporated transformation , but it still was far from a slam-dunk design.
It's early in the design of original Innistrad. We'd decided that we wanted creatures that were monsters and that had to include Vampires, Zombies, and Werewolves Spirits got added a little later. I was eager to figure out top-down designs for each of our monsters. I started that meeting by pulling out copies of Lesser Werewolf , Greater Werewolf , and Treacherous Werewolf from my pocket.
We can do better. Without further ado: Pick up your Human Werewolf and turn it to the back side. If it was already flipped and is transforming back, show its humanity again. You wanted strategic Magic content? Okay, I can provide that too.
Be Patient The biggest mistake I see is that a player will forgo casting a spell early in the game just to flip their Werewolves. About The Author. Since then he's been building up his game trying to break through at the PT level, and has an avid interest in Limited.