I honestly don't believe this has anything to do with "heavenly" issues due to that. Hasn't Sayid killed Keamy twice in the alt reality once in the restaurant and once after finding out about his brothers debt to Keamy Are there 2 alt realites. Smokey told Jack last night that he needed Locke to die first so that he could take his form. IT can't hurt any of The Chosen, so pick any of the extra characters to turn into corpses.
Smokey will assume the form of Desmond for whatever future purpose it intends. Babysitting Charlie, running down Locke, gathering everyone at the hospital And man, if Smokey thought Locke was a fool for thinking he had a purpose by being on The Island, almost everyone there would have been a fool at some point or another. As for Shannon, yes I think she'll be back. CNN had an interview with her months ago and she confirmed it.
Plus Jack and Hurley found that inhaler. And "used to love lost" still loves it, regardless of what he says, or else he wouldn't watch it. I used to love heros too untill the 3rd season, so I stopped watching it. I used to love 24 too, but now I think its stupid, so I don't watch it or even read the 24 article. Don't worry "used to" we all love lost you are not alone!
What exactly did the hydrogen bomb do? It couldn't have sunk the island. Only rising sea levels can do that. Also, who managed to get off the island during the evacuation? I thought it was only the women and children of the Dharma Initiative. The Others should all be dead Widmore, Eloise, Ben. Didn't Jacob visit James in ? The hydrogen bomb changed the timeline from onward. So James' future should not have been affected.
I don't think the sideways time line is a simple split from the moment of the bomb explosion. It must be something completely different. Agree that it is going to be Shannon that is Sayid's love as she is still scheduled to come back this season without much time left. The bodies in the cave were Rose and the dentist. They stayed in the past and were already older then and she had cancer. Whatever happened to the island healing people.
It does not really seem to do that as everyone who really healed ended up dead anyway. I would love to know more about the kid that Smoke Monster sees, and apparently the Six Candidates can see.
The first time we saw the kid, he was much younger and said Smoke Monster can't kill him I forgot whom. The second time we saw him, he was smirking at Smoke Monster I forgot about what , but looking older.
Is that meant to be Jacob being reborn? Is that actually a runway? The plane is stuck in the sand so just jumping on and starting it up won't work. Also the windshield is broken. Has anyone seen the condition of the plane? How in the world is it going to start and take-off of the island? Thanks for spoiling it in the headline CNN, some people have not yet had a chance to watch it yet.
I like Tu's ending. I agree that Desmond is going to make the ultimate sacrifice. Ok what is this series ends like the Stephen King Dark Tower books. With everything starting all over because someone didn't do something right in the process.
Does anyone else think that Jack died in the last scene? I think some people make a hobby of going on every message board to say how they hate every show whether they watch the shows or not. They have nothing better to do during the day. Doing that is great fun for them.
And remember, negative attention for some, is better than no attention at all. Besides, they might think it is fun to to jerk people's chains. They should be able to find a dog's skeleton nearby too Desmond is the new Jacob.
This is why the fortuneteller Eloise told him that he and Penny were not meant to be together. Simply a Lost Troll looking for a reaction. It's just like "the matrix", and everyone is really just hooked up to virtual reality machines.
Pete — couldn't have said it better — and I was the same way with Heroes — glad LOST didn't have the same affect on me! This person DOES come in here every week and type out the same nonsense. You keep posting here every week about how you hate Lost, yet you keep coming back.
I don't like Kate Gosselin, which is why I don't go to stories about her and definitely don't leave comments. The bomb happened in the 70s, so the original flight would have had a different personal, historical make-up.
If you all recall, she died in his arms as well! I'm also beginning to think that this show is an elaborate attempt to convince us all that "deja vu's" are, in fact, ACTUAL memories!!!
There is a really easy way to get it to flashoff your teevee screen as you so eliquently put it. Its called the remote control. Is your life really that pathetic that you have nothing else you could do with that hour? Man I would hate to be you. I used to like Heroes, then I didn't so now I don't watch. Saves me the hour and I get other stuff done. You should look into what we rational humans call the "power button".
You're right, I do say the same thing every week. Unfortunately Lost doesn't give me anything to root for. I just want something. Oh, And every week everyone else says the same thing on here too. Who is the new Jacob. Who will be the two left on the Island. I think everyone else should get over it. Good one, Carol. Love how you're bringing it together. Maybe we'll even get to hear her say something about getting coffee together sometime.
I think the last episodes will be a confrontation that some how inter twinds the 2 different timelines together in a spectacular fashion. If you recall the movie : Frequency where the father and son where fighting off the bad cop at the same time in 2 different timelines. Where's that guy who used to love lost but now he h8s it?
Isn't it about time for him to post about how much better 24 was this week? OR did he finally realize this is clearly the superior show? Great episode, seems like we will finally get the pacing needed to complete the show in the few remaining episodes. Hawkeye, I definitely think that the line you mentioned has some significance, especially that Claire also told Jack that it didn't matter what he thought because he was with unLocke the moment he had let him speak.
The roles got reversed. If Juliet's setting the bomb had made the Losties reach safe, then isn't Sawer already a cop before crashing on the island and also must be knowing Miles before meeting him on the island? Sawyer could get his flashes if he goes to the hospital to question Jim and Sun. If Lock's dad shows up to check on him at the same time, Sawyer could run into him. That would definately spark something there.
One thing that struck me—at the end of the episode, when Widmore fires the missle that explodes on the beach and propels Jack for several feet, unLocke picks up Jack and takes him away, and then says to him—"It's okay. You're with me now.
Maybe it means nothing, but on Lost, almost everything has a meaning, especially when they stick on the very end of the show. This show is a total, unmitigated piece of cr p. Kindergartners can write a better plot. This show has devolved into a bad SciFi channel B-movie When Locke ran into Jack I was hoping it was Jack Bauer who could maybe infuse some excitement and cohesiveness into this hot mess. The FlashSideways?
It's just filler. It takes up half the show for nothing. I can't wait for this show to FlashOff my teevee screen. Desmond and Penny will meet for coffee at a coffeeshop near the hospital where Jack works. Juliet will happen to be there after her shift at the hospital.
Sawyer will also happen to go in for a cup of coffee after questioning Jin and Sun about the murders at the restaurant. He will see Juliet, and that will stir his island consciousness. Bernard and Rose are Adam and Eve. Perhaps if the Losties looked around the cave a little more, they would have discovered Vincent's doggie skeleton.
Maybe MIB isn't by himself, maybe he has a host of spirits on his side, just like Jacob has that boy. I have a feeling he can't transform into other bodies while he's FLocke, which brings up Christian when Sun and Lapidus first arrived back at the island — was that the real spirit of Jack's father?
I am also getting the feeling that Eloise is on MIB's side, that she must have made some kind of deal with him in order to save her son. She after all orchestrated the whole return to the island, and FLocke knows that they all must get off the island the same way they came.
Maybe MIB's promise to Sayid has to do with this sideways reality. I'm beginning to second guess myself again ha, ha and think that the island being under water is MIB's doing as well, seeing how much he hates it. But somehow, it's going to backfire and he will be part of the destruction. Yeah that's what i said the mother has to be Juliet LOL they never made it out of the past Jessica, I don't think that Kate can be the mother of Jack's son in the alternate timeline.
Jack and Kate were on the same flight from Sidney. Personally I don't see any reason why David's mother should not be the woman Jack married in his "real" reality, before the island. A "bombshell," too, in my opionion. THEy even have the black and white stones on them".
I think the two realilies will always have to co-exist. The island realilty is the payment to have to second better sideways reaility. Remember Dogen said he had to go and stay at the island for his son to stay alive. Eloise knows this also thats why she is protecting the sideways realilty from Desmonds flashes. Jack did say one of the bodies in the caves was a woman, and that looking at the decomposition of their clothing the bodies appeared to be about 50 years old. The bodies in the cave were a man and a woman.
The Losties always referred to them as "Adam and Eve". Did Sayid's lettting Desmond "speak first" before he shot him have anything to do with Sayid letting Unlocke "speak first" earlier in the season? I do not think Des is dead and I do think Sayid is lying. Even if the window had been broken or opened, it was only the size of a port hole and Charlie wouldn't have fit through it. It was all he could do to write a message for Desmond on his hand before his lungs gave out. This was a good episode.
My favorite was the reunion between Sun and Jin. Those are two very good actors, they make their relationship believable. And I was a little miffed at Jack for going back- he and Kate are to be together! But, either way they all seemed to be screwed. Jack's in the hands of the Locke Monster and the boat passengers are at the mercy of Widmore. Now what? I'm glad Jack and Claire could meet in the alternate timeline. AND, I really, really want to know, who is the mother to Jack's son in the alternate timeline?
I think that's going to be a bombshell. I'm thinking Kate, but the show seems to be keeping that one close to the vest, since it would reveal they end up back together again. I don't know. Either way, he and the boy's mother are not together I agree, best line of the night was Sawyer's Lapidus comment: "He looks like a character out of a Burt Reynolds movie.
He always has the best lines. Richard most likley won't appear in the flash sideways as he would be what, years old? I have a feeling Juliet is working at the same hospital. While I think its unlikley, it is lost though, chance Michael is also smokey?
He did lead hurley to stop them from blowing up the plane, and smokey can only appear as dead people he said right?
Would be safe to assume then that when Walt appear to RealLocke when he was in the hole shot by Ben, that it was not smokey because Walt is not dead. I like how they are keeping us guessing whos really the good guy here.
We all know that Smokey has done some bad things but at the same time, Jacob getting involved with the losties hasn't exactly brought them good fortune either. There may have been a few smidgens of truth in what FLocke said to Jack. She is dead on the island as we saw in last weeks explosive episode LOL!!!
Something seems to be off with Locke. He can kill anyone else on the island but not the Candidates??? But yet he sent Sayid to kill Desmond Why?!!! I did like how all of the flash sideways kind of came together. It starting to make sense a little bit. I still want to know for what purpose are they coming together. I'm interested in what happens to Sayid.
Assuming he didn't kill Desmond, he practically can forget about Nadia again, assuming that Smokey could bring her back, which is unlikely. I wonder what he'll do.
Will he side with Jack? I think the show will end as it began this season, with the island under water, and the sideways reality being the only reality left. The survivors of will come to realize this already thanks to Desmond and know that when Juliet spiked the bomb, it did work. They've made it home. Locke will be saved by Jack in the hospital miraculously being able to walk again.
A happy ending. No one dies. I think Lapidus will fly them off the island and into the sideways reality. Somehow, MIB will be trapped again. Maybe the island will move again or destroy itself.
Maybe in the end, it's the only way to prevent MIB from ever leaving, to trap him under water. Maybe Desmond will be part of that destruction, sacrificing himself in the process. Everything will be reconciled. Desmond told him. And I dont remember if it was a window that could open or not.
Does anyone think that Jack's son might somehow be Richard??? Do we know who the mother is? I cannot recall? Jack looks at the Xray and says something about the Neural sac Yet when they come back to the group on the beach it is daytime. Did they talk for hours? We're not seeing any flash forwards after anybody gets off the island this time.
Assume for a moment that anybody on Sawyer's boat actually does get to the sub or plane and manages to get off the island — or assume that FLocke gets to the plane and gets off the island — we don't see any of what happens next. No flash forwards. That tells me that Lost will either end with a lot of cliffhanger type questions or Nobody gets off the island.
The show ends with all of them there still. Also, OT.. I swear on one of the specials in the 3rd season they stated this fact. If that's the case THEy even have the black and white stones on them. I think Desmond is the new Jacob as he seems to be getting everyone together and changing their lives while doing it. The group left camp for the radio tower , but Jin, Sayid, and Bernard stayed behind to detonate the dynamite they'd planted. Of the three, only Jin missed his target, although he successfully shot two Others.
Tom and Pryce captured them, and Ben ordered them to kill Jin to encourage the others to talk. Their captors shot the sand, convincing Jack over the walkie talkie that they'd killed the prisoners. Jin said Sun learned English so they could live in America. Desmond returned and announced Charlie 's death to told those on the beach, who then hiked to Jack and the others in the jungle. Jin happily reunited with Sun at the cockpit , and the two sided with Jack when the survivors divided.
Two days later, they sat on the beach and debated where to live after their rescue. Jin said he'd learned English so they could live in America; Sun, however, favored returning to Korea.
After Desmond and Sayid left on the helicopter , Jin continued practicing English, telling Jack that Sun and Sawyer helped him though he admitted that "Sun is better. Jin learns of Sun 's affair from Juliet.
Sun, meanwhile, lost trust in their supposed rescuers and set out for Locke's camp. Jin declared "Where Sun go, I go. He refused to confront Sun about it but went fishing with Bernard , who talked about how the island had healed Rose 's cancer.
Reminded of his love for his own wife, Jin forgave Sun that night and claimed he was a different man from when she'd cheated on him. A day later, Jin and Sun responded to Bernard's calls when a dead body washed ashore. Jin, along with Sun, Charlotte and Daniel , later traveled to the Staff station to collect medical supplies for Jack. He confronted her about it back at camp and threatened Daniel in Korean till she admitted she understood him. Jin then instructed to to ensure Sun boarded the helicopter.
Jin waves frantically at the helicopter. Sayid returned on the raft , and Jin and Sun boarded the first ferry to the Kahana. They met Michael there, and Jin told him his English had improved. Desmond then called them to the communications room, which had been loaded with explosives.
Jin helped freeze the battery to postpone the detonation and tried to find how to defuse the bomb. When an explosion proved imminent, Michael insisted Jin return abovedeck. When he did though, he saw the loaded helicopter taking off without him. He waved frantically for them to return for him, but neither his shouts nor Sun's were enough.
The C4 exploded seconds later, taking half the ship with it. Jin and Sun's family tombstone. When the Oceanic Six escaped the Island, they believed Jin dead. Sun stated at a press conference that Jin had died on during the plane crash. She returned to Korea, where she confronted Mr. Paik , blaming him for Jin's death along with one other person.
When Sun gave birth, she called out for her husband in delirium. She named her daughter Ji Yeon , as Jin had wished. Hurley later visited her, and they visited Jin's grave together. Jin's tombstone reads: [1]. Three years after leaving the Island, Sun absolved Kate of blame for keeping her from saving Jin.
She said that if they hadn't left Jin behind on the freighter, they would probably all have died. On the dock later, Sun held a gun to Ben's head, still blaming him for Jin's death.
Ben avoided getting shot by telling her that Jin was still alive, and he could prove it. Ben handed her Jin's wedding ring, which he had stolen after murdering John Locke. Jin is shocked to meet a young Danielle Rousseau. Jin survived the explosion and his unconscious body, within the source 's radius, floated on a wreckage and traveled through time over several days.
In , Danielle Rousseau 's shipwrecked science expedition discovered him. Montand questioned him, but his disoriented answers frustrated the Frenchman. Rousseau eventually revealed her name, leaving a confused Jin to sort out when he was. The team dismissed his questions about a helicopter as ranting and asked him about a radio tower. Jin agreed to lead them there so he could find the beach camp. While they traveled through the jungle though, the Monster killed Nadine and dragged Montand into a crevice under the Temple.
Robert , Lacombe and Brennan followed Montand's cries below, but Jin convinced the pregnant Danielle to stay out. The sky soon flashed and Jin was transported to the near future. He found Brennan and Lacombe's corpses on the beach and witnessed Danielle kill Robert in self-defense.
Danielle turned her gun on Jin, thinking he too was sick , but her shot missed, and Jin time-traveled once again. This jump reunited him with Sawyer , Locke , and the rest of their group, and he continued with them to the Orchid.
After Charlotte warned him to keep Sun from the Island, Jin made Locke promise not to ask her to return. He gave Locke his wedding ring to present as proof that Jin truly died. Jin lowers his rifle after encountering Jack , Kate , and Hurley. After one more time shift, Jin found himself in The group encountered Amy , and Jin helped carry her husband's body back to the Barracks.
Over the next three years, he worked on the security team and helped map the island, and he learned fluent English. Three years later, Jin encountered Jack , Kate and Hurley at the waterfall after they'd returned via Flight Jin contacted the head of security who reunited with the three. On hearing they'd arrived on a plane, Jin told Radzinsky at the Flame station to check if one had arrived.
They found no plane, but they spotted an intruder, and Jin ran to apprehend him. It was Sayid , and Jin privately informed Sawyer. But Jin pretended Sayid was a hostile , and he and Radzinsky locked him at the Flame. Young Ben later freed Sayid, and when Jin caught them escaping, Sayid knocked him unconscious. Jin awoke and took Ben's bleeding body to the Barracks.
Jin, Miles and Hurley face a suspicious Chang. Sawyer suggested they leave the Island or head into the jungle, but Jin refused to leave as long as a chance of finding Sun remained. Chang , who now believed they'd come from the future, followed them and demanded answers. Hurley tried and failed to maintain their story; he denied the Korean War's existence, to Jin's annoyance. The group later watched people evacuate the island by sub.
They then returned to the Barracks and rescued Jack and Sayid from a shootout. Jack shared his plan to reset time, which would, if successful, reunite Jin with Sun. Jin agreed to help. They headed to the Swan site, and Jin stayed out of the ensuing gunfight with Hurley and an injured Sayid. He remained there during the Incident and the time flash that brought them to Jin tries to dissuade Claire from killing Justin.
Jin awoke and told Hurley he knew from experience that they'd traveled through time. He discovered the Swan site, obliterated post- discharge , and helped remove wreckage to free Juliet. He also loaded Sayid into the van and, to save him, Hurley said they should go to where he had gone with Danielle's team.
Jin led the group to the Temple wall, and they entered through a declivity at the base. When Jin—the son of a fisherman—asked for Sun's hand in marriage, her father gave permission on the condition that Jin would have to work for him for several years. This tradeoff forced Jin into an uncomfortable position where he had to do whatever Sun's father told him to do.
This meant spending many hours away from Sun and even hurting others when Sun's father told him to "deliver a message.
Sun's father brought out the worst in Jin and played a significant role in ruining his daughter's marriage.
The loving man that Sun married was transformed into a much colder, distant individual. Jin's long work hours meant that he and Sun were able to spend little time together. The rare time they were able to spend together was often interrupted with work calls that Jin was expected to attend to right away.
Sun was constantly neglected by her husband and lived a lonely life. She began to feel unloved and unwanted, feelings that were only furthered when the overworked and stressed Jin would get annoyed at his wife's questions or her attempts to reconnect with him. Sun had an affair with Jae Lee , the same person who taught her to speak English fluently. Sun's father found out about the affair, and he told Jin to "deliver a message" to Jae Lee.
He told Jin that Jae Lee was a thief and it was a matter of honor, though he did not divulge the truth about Jae Lee's affair with Sun. Jin brutally assaulted Jae Lee but did not go through with killing him and instead told him to leave the country and never return. Jae Lee jumped off a balcony and committed suicide moments later. Her father only made it worse by showing up at Jae Lee's funeral and telling Sun that Jae Lee must have felt great shame when he killed himself.
Sun was already living with loneliness and an increasingly loveless marriage, and now she also had to grapple with guilt and grief that she could not share with anyone.
But everything he was doing was leading up to one moment, which was [trying to] get the candidates in one fell swoop. He knew if he killed just one of them, everyone would know what he was up to. The main narrative reason for him killing our main characters is to establish how much of a bad guy he is and to clearly identify him as the antagonist rolling into the end of the series.
And Sayid? But if you tell him he is good, maybe you can convince him he is good. The good news for fans of Lost and fans of Jin, Sun, and Sayid in particular is that they are technically still alive — in the Sideways world.
Every day she took a little breath from the beach ball. And that really got me right into the emotional core of where I needed to be to play that scene. What was it like shooting his watery demise? But the crew was considerate and made the water warm for us, in more ways than one. My recap of the episode will post sometime tomorrow. In the meantime, use the message boards below to start the discussion — and express your grief.
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