This procedure is known as a K-pouch procedure. In this procedure, the doctor creates an internal pouch from the ileum that is then connected to the anal canal, allowing you to expel your waste through the usual route with no need for a stoma. Your food and water intake will be limited for a while. On the day of your surgery, you may only get ice chips. Clear liquids will probably be allowed on the second day. In the early days after surgery, you may have excessive intestinal gas.
This will decrease as your intestines heal. Some people have found that digesting four to five small meals per day is better than three larger meals. Your doctor may suggest that you avoid certain foods for a while. Enzymes in the discharge from your ileostomy can irritate your skin. If you have an ileostomy, you may find that you need to make big adjustments to your lifestyle.
Some people seek help from an ostomy support group. You can also find nurses who are specially trained in ileostomy management.
You may have trouble with your stoma. This can result in a leakage. Your doctor can prescribe a medicated topical spray or powder to heal this irritated skin. Some people hold their external pouch in place with a belt. If you wear the belt too tightly, it can lead to pressure ulcers.
However, if this continues for more than four to six hours and you feel nauseous or have cramps, call your doctor. You might have an intestinal blockage.
This happens when you lack the correct amount of important substances in your blood, especially sodium and potassium. This risk increases if you lose a lot of fluids through vomiting, perspiration, or diarrhea. Symptoms that may suggest a leak or obstruction include :.
Sometimes, the fluid in the abdomen can become infected. A person should call their doctor after surgery if they experience any of the following symptoms:. After ileostomy reversal surgery, a person will wait for the surgical incision and ileostomy closure site to heal. Ileostomy reversal surgery usually has a shorter recovery time than the surgery that created the ileostomy.
However, a person may need to spend 3—4 days in the hospital. A person should be aware that it will take time after surgery for their usual bowel movements to return. At first, a person will have frequent, often small bowel movements and pass gas. They will usually remain in the hospital until their bowel function resumes. During their stay, healthcare staff will monitor their surgical site to make sure that it is healing well.
The surgical incision itself may take 4—6 weeks to heal completely. A person should thoroughly discuss the recovery process following ileostomy reversal with their doctor. As the body gets used to stool leaving the body via the rectum, a doctor may make some of the following suggestions regarding recovery. A bland, low fiber diet known as the BRAT diet can help minimize how often a person has bowel movements. BRAT stands for:. Find tips on how to follow the BRAT diet here. A second, smaller, operation is usually carried out a few months later to close the loop ileostomy.
Page last reviewed: 25 February Next review due: 25 February The main types of ileostomy are described below. End ileostomy An end ileostomy normally involves removing the whole of the colon large intestine through a cut in your abdomen. Over time, the stitches dissolve and the stoma heals on to the skin.
This type of ileostomy is often, but not always, permanent. Loop ileostomy To form a loop ileostomy, a loop of small intestine is pulled out through a cut in your abdomen. An ileostomy can be life-saving. It is a surgical intervention that allows stool to exit the body without passing through damaged portions of the bowel. Caring for an ileostomy can represent a significant lifestyle change.
It can take weeks, months, or even longer for a person to adjust to their ostomy appliance. Counseling before and after surgery can help. Doctors, ostomy nurses, and support groups can provide information and assistance. Ileus is a temporary and often painful lack of movement in the bowel.
This can lead to a bowel obstruction. Ileus is a common complication of…. Ileostomy: Everything you need to know. Medically reviewed by Saurabh Sethi, M. Overview How to prepare Procedure Recovery Lifestyle adjustments Outlook An ileostomy is a type of ostomy, which is a surgical opening in the abdominal wall. What is an ileostomy?
Share on Pinterest People with an ileostomy will wear an external pouch that collects stool. How to prepare. Share on Pinterest A person will meet with a surgeon before the procedure to discuss life after surgery.
Lifestyle adjustments. Share on Pinterest A person should drink plenty of water throughout the day to minimize diet-related ostomy complications. Exposure to air pollutants may amplify risk for depression in healthy individuals.