I think studios continue to underestimate the intelligence of their audience. What do you think about all this, folks? Or do you think things are still mostly the same?
Sound off in the comments below. Adam Chitwood is the Managing Editor for Collider. He's been working for Collider for over a decade, and in addition to managing content also runs point on crafts interviews, awards coverage, and co-hosts The Collider Podcast with Matt Goldberg which has been running since This feature is limited to our corporate solutions. Please contact us to get started with full access to dossiers, forecasts, studies and international data. Skip to main content Try our corporate solution for free!
Single Accounts Corporate Solutions Universities. Tolkien, reached a gross of Loading statistic Show source. Download for free You need to log in to download this statistic Register for free Already a member? Log in. Show detailed source information? Register for free Already a member? More information. Supplementary notes. Well, let's remember that these films boast a heavy amount of visual effects, elaborate costumes, as well as expansive casts.
Do you hear that sound? It's the price of a budget skyrocketing. Because Warner Bros set up a subsidiary company in New Zealand to produce The Hobbit movies, the annual financial reports have made the grand total of the films' production public knowledge. It's unclear how much--if any--of this total accounts for the extensive print and advertising campaigns that have been used to promote The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
But we'd be willing to wager that cost is counted elsewhere. In the U. So, what can be learned from this?