When is conquer online 3 release date

Thread Tools. Feel free to debate changes but keep flaming and arguing to a minimum, we are going to try to be constructive. The first post will be a FAQ with our data, the second post will contain the raw data itself.

Under the FAQ will be a changelog that shows what has changed. More questions? Post them here in the thread and I'll see to it that they get answered! A: No, Conquer 3 is a seperate project.

Q: What is Conquer 3? A: Conquer 3 is a full remake and remaster of conquer online 1. Q: When will it be released? A: The release is estimated to be in Which quarter is still unknown. Q: Will battle power be used? A: No, TQ has stated Battle power will not be present in conquer 3. Q: Will I be able to transfer my character and equipment to the new game? A: No, Conquer 3 is a standalone game, transfers are not possible. Everyone will start over from scratch!

Q: What about leveling? A: Leveling has been stated to be harder once again! To what extend has not been shared yet. Q: What is the financial plan for this game? A: Has not been shared yet. A ftp model is being expected, but has not been confirmed yet.

Will this game be in 3D? A: No, the game will still be in 2. Are there pictures available? A: Yes, they are in the raw information section below, scroll down! Most of them are on facebook. What about botters? A: TQ has stated that they recoded from scratch, thus making the game harder to crack for bot hosts. Will the servers be region locked? A: No, it was shared that it will recommend a server group based on your location. You are always allowed to change. Will TQ stop supporting conquer 2.

A: No, they have claimed that 2. Conquer "3" will receive a different name upon release. This new version is supposed to be a sequal of the current conquer. How about the economy system? Will it be pay to win like 2. More Articles. Conquer Online - Anima System Teaser. More Videos. Conquer Online 2. Conquer Online 4. Conquer Online 5. Conquer Online 6. Conquer Online 7.

Conquer Online 8. Conquer Online 9. Conquer Online The game is very similar in terms of core gameplay to other games by the same publisher, but has some of its own unique aspects. Gameplay is fast paced and the number of job advancements are plentiful, so it shouldn't be too hard for C. Full Game Review. Available On. Outdated Info? Submit Cancel. October saw near new players get introduced into testing, and the Like Monster Warlord The interface reminds me of Mu Online and Diablo, but the difficulty here is absurdly easy.

Every class in the game can clear the entire screen of enemies within seconds. As a Dragon Warrior, I could just swing my nunchakus and kill stacked enemies in a single attack. Regular skills are learned simply by leveling up and visiting a class trainer. Conquer Online does an interesting job of making players feel incredibly powerful, but the game poses no challenge. The EXP skills are even more powerful and are class specific. These EXP skills can only be used when your golden bar near your health and mana fill up.

This bar fills up on its own regardless of player input. Once it fills up, players can use any EXP skill they have for up to 20 seconds. These skills are incredibly powerful and can be used to defeat most same-level enemies in a single hit. I'd clear the entire screen in a few seconds. There are plenty of quests in Conquer Online and completing them is easy since the game has a built in auto-pathing system that moves players to quest destinations quickly.

The system even has an auto-potion system that ensures players won't die while automatically grinding. Conquer Online isn't the only game with one of these built-in bots. I'm a firm believer that a game should be fun enough for me to want to play it, not just set it up and forget it. On the other hand, since eliminating botting is nearly impossible, including a built-in bot levels the playing field. The game's open PvP is interesting as anyone can PK anyone else indiscriminately.

To prevent mindless PKing though, the game penalizes the aggressor with 10 PK points for every innocent person they PK. Players with Red or Black names who get killed by other players have a chance of dropping their equipment. Whoever kills these players are rewarded with the gear they drop. The person who drop's their gear can opt to pay a set amount of Conquer Points cash shop currency to the person that defeated them to avoid losing their gear.

The pirate class in specifically aimed at PvP fans, as Pirates only get half the PK point penalty as other classes and have twice the chance of making an enemy drop gear when killed by them.

Other PvP options exist, too. Every week players can compete in the game's Class PK War, which is essentially a tournament for everyone of the same class. Warriors fight Warriors, Taoists fight Taosts, and so on. The purpose of this is to determine the strongest person in that class each week.

The game also features weekly faction wars, couple tournaments, and more. The cash shop in Conquer Online is very much titled towards pay-to-win. Conquer Online is designed to get players to spend as much cash as possible, as the amount a player is willing to spend is almost directly proportional to how strong they can become in-game.

The game even sells gear outright in the cash shop. Surprisingly though, despite the game's pay-to-win elements, Conquer Online is still quite popular. The most hilarious part of Conquer Online's cash shop, though, is its get out-of-jail system.

Most games usually ban hackers, but Conquer Online tries to milk them for cash the same way they try milking everyone else. Despite it's pay-to-win elements and age, Conquer Online is still a surprisingly entertaining game if you can look past it's dated visuals.

At least for a while. It's one of those games that won't appeal to newer players, but still maintains its core audience. System Requirements. Conquer Online originally released back in , so practically any modern PC sold after be able to run the game smoothly. Conquer Online is also Mac compatible.


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