But Xenophon, who marched with Cyrus' expedition through Phrygia into Lycaonia, calls Iconium the last city of Phrygia. The writer of Acts makes the same statement when he represents Paul and Barnabas as fleeing from Iconium to the cities of Lycaonia-implying that the border of Phrygia and Lycaonia passed between Iconium and Lystra, 18 miles to the South.
Other ancient authorities who knew the local conditions well speak of Iconium as Phrygian until far into the Roman imperial period. At the neighboring city of Lystra Acts , the natives used the "speech of Lycaonia.
In Apostolic Period: In the apostolic period, Iconium was one of the chief cities in the southern part of the Roman province Galatia, and it probably belonged to the "Phrygian region" mentioned in Acts The emperor Claudius conferred on it the title Claudiconium, which appears on coins of the city and on inscriptions, and was formerly taken as a proof that Claudius raised the city to the rank of a Roman colonia.
In Paul's day the prosperous city was a Roman colony. She is said to have been commissioned by Paul as an evangelist. She eventually settled in Antioch on the Orontes where she died.
This same work contains the earliest physical description of Paul that we have. Unlike Pisidian Antioch , where the aristocrats expelled St. Paul and his companion, the mob of the Hellenes was stirred and eventually threatened to stone them. Barnabas and St. Paul fled the city south to Lystra and Derbe.
In addition to St. Paul 's first visit to Iconium , he returned on the second journey and possibly on the third journey Acts ; Certain of the Jewish community followed St. Paul from Iconium and harassed him again in Lystra , pushing the crowd to stone him Acts Paul recalls the problems he had in Galatia in his late writings 2 Tim.
Paul 's concerns over the perversion to the Gospel message were directed at this and the surrounding communities in the Epistle to the Galatians. Biblical Asia Minor St. Damascus Road Experience Life of St.
The king called his people to repentance and supplication, and certain it is, from the evidence of Herondas, the 3rd cent. It was of no avail. The flood came as predicted, and with the subsiding of the waters Prometheus and Athena remade man by means of images of mud into which life was breathed.
The Gr. The flood story is not a sign of Jewish influence. The district was subject to flooding. Turning from myth to history, it may be said with certainty that an ancient Phrygian town was transformed into a Gr. Rome chose Lystra and Antioch as its bastions, but Iconium, in spite of becoming a Rom.