Who is airman higgs

But Higgs doesn't manage to catch up with her until she and most of the main cast have gone on to England , where he metaphorically resurfaces sans Vole working in uniform aboard a British military submarine as it transports Tarvek and Ardsley Wooster to Zeetha's and Agatha's current location: the undersea dome of the Queen's Society. Posing now as Tarvek's flunky, he enters the Society dome. After getting a glee and glomp-filled greeting from Zeetha, he assists the rest of the protagonists with the various threats that arise, including the local Grey Hood conspiracy, the resident Smakken , and the visitor the conspiracy summons.

Though he can't donate any of his totally normal human tissue samples for Agatha's medical research because he's.. In the process of this, he and Tarvek have a rather cryptic and baffling conversation with " Karl Thotep ", another more peaceable extra-dimensional visitor. Then he assists in the repeatedly interrupted and thwarted but finally successful attempt s to remove the copy of Lucrezia from Agatha's head; he has a particular interest in this, as getting rid of that interloper means he can finally tell Agatha who he really is..

And so.. His true identity is also confirmed by Word of God in the "cast list" at the beginning of Volume 18 [26]. Sometimes life is so unfair! He also notes that he now considers "Axel Higgs" to be his real name. He is depicted as a young blond man with a sleepy grin. In his right hand he holds a full stein with a voluptuous feminine relief on it.

He wears blue pants, a brown and orange horizontally striped button-down shirt with bars on the lapels. Over this he wears a purple coat with orange shoulder pads. In the comic the hat is labeled " Rozen Maiden ". Higgs introduces himself an airman third class; in old navies, the third mate is known as the boatswain pronounced and often written as "bosun", although in modern navies, third class is the lowest rank of non-commissioned officer.

The Higgs boson is an elementary particle of physics responsible for endowing particles with mass via the Higgs mechanism. Report message as abuse. Show original message. Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message. Sun's summary that Airman Higgs was not an average character in the Girl Genius universe. He beat several monsters with only two wrenches.

He even beat Captain Dupree. There are several hints to Higgs' back story. We see several times that he is a great fighter, for example he is a serious challenge to Zola when she is hyped up on movit And Zola beat Zeetha. He has a lame story about having a map as he leads the group around the castle.

Right now my best guess is that Higgs was a famous bodyguard to the Heterodynes. He is someone that others would recognize if his true name were revealed. She's compelled to obey Agatha's voice until she realizes what's going on and makes a conscious effort to resist it; the same was true of Vrin, so at the time it seemed like this just meant this was a feature installed on all of Lucrezia's creations and Von Pinn was one of them.

But then we learned that Lucrezia wasn't VP's original creator or the first to give her orders though she's the only one whose orders she openly would like to be able to disobey.

It would make a lot of sense if Von Pinn were a revenant; perhaps Lucrezia realized she'd figured out a workaround to her original orders and took matters into her own hands. However, this requires that:. And she likes pink a little too much. Even when she ditched the very Glinda-ish dress, she still has a lot of pink.

Just who does she think she needs to fool into believing that she's a Heterodyne in the castle? They fused, and the Other orchestrated an attack on Castle Heterodyne, for some as-yet uncertain reason. It then left, met up with the Geisterdamen to pose as their goddess so it could take control, located the Knights of Jove, whipped them into shape, and then started bludgeoning Europe. For some reason which will make sense and be very interesting when we eventually learn it they worship a maternal lineage which Lucrezia and Agatha belong to.

After The Other possessed Lucrezia, it decided to use the fact that the Geisterdamen are fanatically loyal to their goddess, and just such an army is a very convenient thing to have around. Vrin stated that when she was a novice, they were visited by Lucrezia, and that this was accepted by everyone as the true incarnation.

When she came back much later, Lucrezia was now fused with The Other. Note that senior, more experienced priestesses were not fooled, and although the body was the same, they could tell something was different. We know that the slaver wasp he swallowed is specially engineered to work on sparks, but is it engineered to work on constructs? Klaus does obey the Other in the scene following his infection, but he is definitely intelligent and quick-thinking enough to let the Other think he is infected, and there is a clear advantage to that.

Then again, the Other may have known Klaus was a construct, and taken steps accordingly. The Americas are isolated, and most of Great Britain is under water. This isn't a coincidence.

The American Revolution happened in the GG universe, with a result similar to that in ours. At some later point, Britain tried reconquering America or interfering in her affairs one too many times, so American sparks sank huge portions of Great Britain into the sea.

Their version of President Monroe then implemented their form of the Monroe Doctrine by literally sealing the Americas off from Europe. The fact that popular perception of American culture in Europe seems to show heavy Native American influences is easily explained by that fact that American frontier culture did have heavy Native American influences and were perceived as such.

When the US sent troops to Britain for training, prior to being sent to the Western Front during the First World War, many British were surprised that the American soldiers weren't wearing buckskin jackets and ten-gallon hats, for example. Of course he won't succeed since we've seen Moloch in the time portal, but he might take down Mittelmind and Mezzasalma in the process so Agatha won't be stuck in the position of either keeping two obviously evil sparks as allies once she's done needing every bit of help she can get to fix up the castle, leaving two obviously evil sparks to their own devices, or becoming the type of person who betrays her own allies when they haven't given her cause to yet, being obviously evil sparks.

Lucifer Mongfish, Seriously miffed by his favorite daughter's heel face turn decided to get back at her. When Lucretia announces her second pregnancy, Lucifer takes his dim-but-devoted daughter Demonica and gets her to become pregnant Most likely using Barry as the father, so the child will still register with the castle as an official Heterodyne heir And then groomed this granddaughter to take over and destroy Castle Heterodyne when she was of age, effectively ruining Lucretia's new family.

However, the Other attacked. Lucifer still used this to his advantage, by making Zola the "long-lost" Heterodyne Heir. He died before she became of age. The first time window we see scares Agatha into Moloch and Omar von Zinzer, who take her locket, thereby giving us a plot. Taking into account the facts that, we know Agatha has made time windows herself without the arcing metal , and that she in the window was saying "Like THIS??

The arcing metal and speech distortion were from the bad quality of the time window. So, Agatha would not have become a spark without the effects of her having become a spark That way lieth the headache. It seems to intensify one's mental abilities in a certain area, at the expense of your social awareness. With proper training it can be molded into a useful trait, but if not recognized early, the spark can be devastating.

There are a lot of ways that Zola's path paralells Agatha's. Originally with the locket on Agatha got no respect. Zola with a reputation as a Parisian tart, still gets no respect. Both are pursuasive actresses. They have both been on adventures with Gil. Finally, they can't stand each other. Working with family is so hard. I guess? Not to mention there was no hints that Jagerdraught could heal things before this.

Considering how rare Higgs not-changeness is, the chances she would also be like him is crazy small. Then again… Jagerdraught is built from Dyne water, and she was shocked by Agatha albeit two and a half years later, this is totally a crack theory but I would laugh if she did slowly go God Queen from that like Agatha did XD. Especially as in the last arc Skifander and Mechanicsburg has become increasingly intertwined.

Her relationship with the boys are important to me. Are we going to see some vulnerability and insecurities? Are we going to get some insight on her end about her relationship with Higgs? Insight on her thoughts since the timeskip period? I take it back. I now deeply care to hear about Airman Higgs and how he basically salvage a titanic moment here.

How about you not tell me about Airman Higgs. View Full.


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