Why do we spring ahead

It means an extra hour of daylight in the evenings, and signals the approach of spring and summer. It might even be bad for your marriage. Read: 5 ways life would be better if we remained on Daylight Time forever.

Haters can start counting down the days until we in the U. Home Personal Finance. Published: March 12, at p. ET By Angela Moore. Read: 5 ways life would be better if we remained on Daylight Time forever Haters can start counting down the days until we in the U. My wife is a stay-at-home mom. But what does the ending of DST really mean? This allows us to get up earlier so that we may enjoy longer amounts of daylight at the end of the day!

There are a ton of added benefits to having more daylight in one day including retail stores staying open later, time for sporting events after school, and more time for activities when getting out of work at 5pm. It is said that inventor, Benjamin Franklin, is often credited for being the one to first come up with Daylight Savings Time.

In the U. I personally think it is a waste of time. The amount of sunlight does not change whether you turn the clocks or not. I would rather stay on Standard Time year-round and this is mainly because I am an early riser. I would rather have the sunlight in the morning and if we went to Daylight Saving year-around by the time we got into dark winter the sunrise would be very late in the morning here in Maryland.

Please practice correct English. Thank you! I feel strongly that we should switch to constant Daylight Savings time--no more "standard time". Why have it get dark at ??

It feels like every fall we enter into this weird kind of hibernation where it seems dark most of the time. DST does only 1 thing, it forces everybody to do everything an hour earlier whether they like it or not. IOW say you work a stereotypical job, during the summer you are actually working solar time. We don't need DST, many businesses already have seasonal changes to their operating hours, if a business wanted to open an hour early in the summer they should have been allowed to do it voluntarily.

It didn't have to be mandatory. The whole point of DST was so people would get up with the sun rise and then go to bed earlier at night to use less energy for lighting etc. In my opinion there is absolutely no value for it to be dark at pm. People are driving home in the dark. Commute auto accidents increase dramatically. We should keep Day Light Savings time all year long. There is no reason not too.

DST should have ended long ago! It disrupts sleep, and it's been proven that people have a hard time adjusting to the change in the spring, causing accidents and even health problems due to sleep deprivation. It serves no purpose except to disrupt the lives of every person in this country. Who is the government to disrupt my natural internal clock which all animals follow?

Standard is our natural time and messing with that messes with my system, my personal system! My body belongs to me, not to a government. Consider the effect on the elderly, babies, children, families where both parents work, the mentally ill etc. Consider the effect on child neglect issues and domestic violence. Much money is spent to address these issues. Leave them alone. Stop it, there is no need for it any longer, leave it so we have a little more light in the winter afternoons, and longer summer evenings Every year twice for a week my system is messed up until it adjusts.

This is not something we need if we ever did. Leaving it DST all the time makes most sense to me, since "standard" isn't even five months anymore. After all "standard transmission" is now called "manual", since automatic is the most common in vehicles. Or, keep it Standard year round since that's best for our bodies. We have more efficient devices and lighting now than in the 's.

Time change sucks, each direction. We should leave the clocks alone and follow the sun. We should follow the cows, the chickens, the huskies, the lyons, the tigers, and every living things that is around. Who are we to disrupt their daily life cycle? We should learn from them and leave as naturally as possible. Let's follow the sun and the moon instead of the clock and all electronic devices.

This ridiculous law needs to be repealed. The native Americans said it best: Only a white man would believe you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.

I wish DST was year round. Hate seeing it get dark at 4 in the afternoon during the winter. Love the light later.. Who wants it getting dark at 8 in the middle of summer?

I think DST is awful. Time doesn't change. Silly people change time. It makes everyone feel bad. I am always glad when clocks go back to REAL time. I personally cannot stand DST!


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