Why is jack abbott paralyzed

Nikki offered support but Jack was frustrated with his progress and wanted to have risky surgery. Genevieve offered to sell BON to Jack if he would forgive her and marry her. He agreed to meet her in Vegas but slept with Nikki upon arrival. Kyle came back to town, upset about his dad Jack's new relationship with Nikki.

Nikki ended things with Jack so he could repair his relationship with his son. Kyle wanted his dad to be happy though, and gave them his blessing to get married.

Jack decided against the surgery and kept working with Sarge. His doctor began to think Jack's paralysis was mental, not physical. Victor and Sharon showed up at Jack and Nikki's wedding to announce their own union, but it didn't stop the wedding. Jack surprised Nikki by standing on his own, and they were married. But instead of honeymooning, Nikki searched for a suddenly missing Victor while Jack prepared to take over Newman Cosmetics - and divorced Nikki.

A setback with his injuries from the shooting caused Jack to secretly begin to abuse painkillers at the same time he reconnected with Phyllis.

His abuse was soon leaked to the press by Kyle in an effort to save his dad. Jack relapsed and woke up New Year's Day to find a dead prostitute, and the daughter of a congressman, on his floor. Adam got rid of the body, a setup by Victor, and Jack went to rehab. Phyllis helped him get through withdrawal. Nikki told Jack about her multiple sclerosis diagnosis and he encouraged her to share the news with Victor. Jack and Phyllis moved in together. Phyllis revealed to Jack that he was Summer's real dad and all three grew closer.

After a fall at the MS Gala, Phyllis needed brain surgery, but was never able to tell Jack that Sharon had switched the results and Nick was really Summer's father before she slipped into a coma. Jack put a ring on Phyllis' finger and considered them engaged. Summer and Jack began to connect. Jack regularly flew to Georgia to be with Phyllis, who was still in a coma.

He also kept everyone together when his niece Delia was killed in a hit-and-run accident. Jack and his team realized a Chancellor subsidiary was illegally selling pills online, which put Summer in the hospital. Jack was able to get an investigation launched. Adam asked Jack to be his son Connor's godfather.

Jack agreed. Adam admitted Victor was blackmailing him but wouldn't tell Jack why. A hostage situation arose at the gala and he was able to negotiate Chelsea's release.

Luan develops a terminal illness, which she keeps from Jack. Jack inadvertently finds out but keeps her secret. When Luan passes away, Keemo leaves town. A grieving Jack becomes involved with Mari Jo Mason, but disowns her upon discovering she shot Victor. In , Diane returns to Genoa City and begins another romance with Jack. They quickly become engaged, but Ashley Abbott tries to push Diane away.

Victor hires Diane to design a building and suddenly seems to be romancing her. Diane breaks off the engagement with Jack and marries Victor.

When Nikki is shot, Victor convinces Diane to allow a divorce so he can marry Nikki on her deathbed. However, Nikki lives and Victor stays with her, leading Diane to return to Jack. However, Diane learns that Jack is only using her in his war against Victor, and she leaves him again. When Victor returns, Jack offers to return Jabot in exchange for Newman. The Abbots try to raise the funds, but Jack has to accept a loan for the remainder. Victor buys all the Abbott loans and is about to control Jabot again, but backs down due to his renewed involvement with Jacks sister Ashley.

However, Victor still plots revenge against Jack and Brad. In , despite Dianes divorce from Victor, she remained affectionate towards Victor, and she stole Victors sperm intending to impregnate herself with his child. After a round of thefts by Nikki and Ashley before regaining it, in a twist of fate, Diane ends up pregnant with Jacks son through his own sperm bank donation.

Jack later begins romancing Phyllis Summers; they marry however, it is revealed that Dianes son is his. Their marriage was at risk, as Diane tried to use Kyle to get Jack back. She moves in the Abbott pool house and develops a bitter rivalry against Phyllis. Diane sets the pool house on fire to frame Phyllis, and she is sent to jail for arson and attempted murder.

Cosmetics War between Jabot and Newman Enterprises began. Jack was from Jabot and his wife, Phyllis, worked for the rivals Newman. Phyllis decided to side with Victor and Newman, ending their marriage. Jack was fired from Jabot as a result of a lawsuit against the company. He was once again single, and briefly romanced Jill again. Jack and Ashley are against their fathers new wife Gloria Fisher, who they believed is a gold digger.

John is sent to prison for murdering Glorias ex-husband Tom Fisher. With John in prison and not at the mansion to protect her, Gloria grew tired of the way Jack and Ashley treated her and vowed to get even. She contaminated a new skin product Ashley was working on with cleaning solution. Gloria asked for a sample to show everyone her facial burns. Women ended up dying after using the cream. Jabots reputation was ruined.

In prison, John began going off the rails. Jack took this opportunity to make John cut out Gloria from his will, making John believe it was Dina. John was released early due to being ill, but was rushed to hospital and died.

Jack and his siblings manipulated the funerals time so that Gloria wouldnt be there. They also kick Gloria out of the mansion. It is discovered that John actually left Gloria fifty percent of his billion dollar estate.

The Abbotts were livid when Gloria continued to climb up the corporate ladder at Jabot. Jack begins dating Nicks ex-wife Sharon Newman and they eventually marry in April He has a rocky career as a senator, and ultimately resigns in December because of various events that ultimately lead to a senatorial ethics hearing including Victors public release of a private conversation between Jack and Ji Min Kim.

Nick, Phyllis, Jack and Sharon begin a magazine entitled Restless Style which becomes a huge success. However, eventually Sharon and Jack leave the company. Sharon and Jack eventually divorce after his part in forging a diary to implicate Victor for murder. He romances Mary Jane Benson, who is eventually revealed to be his psycho ex, Patty.

Patty wreaks havoc and shoots Victor three times, nearly killing him. Patty manages to escape town with the help of Adam Newman. Jack used Abby to file a lawsuit against Victor. Later, Diane returned to town with Kyle. Jack pushed her away although she wanted him, and she had romances with Tucker, Nick and remarried Victor.

Jack later got involved with Genevieve Atkinson and they eventually were engaged. Influenced by his conscience in the form of John again, Jack relented and allowed Gloria to live in the Abbott pool house. After trying and failing as a waitress at Crimson Lights, thanks to the torment of Jill and Jeff, Gloria began working as a sales clerk for Lauren at the Glo by Jabot Boutique.

Then Adrian Korbel was hired to do an article on Victor's wife Sabrina and the Newman Gallery for the 3rd issue, to which she and Victor approved.

Victoria stepped up as a last minute replacement for the cover which was done in a Hollywood retro style. Though Adrian stumbled upon a rumor that Sabrina had wrangled an exhibition for her former lover Phillipe when she was Art Curator at the Pompidou Museum in Paris which could shed new light on the latest Mrs. Victor Newman, he decided not to include it.

Jack had sent Adrian off to Australia to do another article, so he was furious when he returned and discovered what Jack had done to his article. Jeffrey and Gloria Bardwell's latest plot was to buy up shares in Jabot to get controlling interest. They included Jack in the plan, promising him to become head of Jabot again. Jack was hesitant to trust them as they didn't even fully trust each other. But he convinced Ashley, Billy, and Traci to let him proxy their stocks to help put Jabot back under Abbott control.

Jack's success-by-any-means business style with Sharon's undying support was making it impossible for the two couples to co-exist at Restless Style, so they let a coin flip decide who would buy the other out. Jack and Sharon won, giving Nick and Phyllis a price to buy them out or take the same price to leave.

Knowing Nick didn't have the funds, Sharon visited Victor and asked him to give Nick his job back at Newman. But Victor surprised them all by giving Nick a line of credit for the buyout instead.

Knowing they needed someone with contacts in fashion, and with Nikki now out of a job and full of great ideas, Nick and Phyllis took her on as interim editor in chief. Nikki got Ruby Aldridge for the cover of their first magazine on their own and Phyllis was in charge of the farewell Letter from the editor. She avoided the urge to trash Jack and Sharon and wrote something nice. But after Nick spent a little too much time with Sharon resolving a problem with Noah, Phyllis changed it to trash them.

It only took a little loving for Nick forgave Phyllis. But neither Phyllis nor Jack was pleased when Nick's first act as advisor to Newman was to rehire Sharon as their Beauty of Nature spokesperson. Adam Newman approached Cane for a job at Jabot, but was turned down. Even his contacts back in New York City suddenly wanted nothing to do with him. When all else failed, he hooked up with Jack to take on Victor, who Jack felt had screwed him over again by helping Nick buy them out.

Together they went to Bucerias, Mexico, looking for information on what had really happened to Victor there, and returned knowing that the dead man from the boat who was presumed to have been Victor was named Tony Amato. Adam showed Heather the photo of the dead man in Mexico, and she recognized him as Walter Palin a. After Adam filled her in on what they had found out in Mexico, Heather contacted the Mexican authorities and agreed to work with them to find Victor.

Adam and Jack found a publisher for a tell-all book about Victor from the point of view of his long-lost son Adam, but he wanted Victor's diary which they had told him about. Adam realized Jack had set him up to do all the dirty work with the counterfeiter so he was going to use the dictation to keep Jack involved, but Jack outsmarted him, found the tape and erased it.

The police found out that Sophisticate Magazine had published excerpts from the upcoming book and their handwriting analysis on the diary confirmed that it had been written by Victor. Adam admitted to Heather that he was the one who found the diary and was publishing the book to get money to ask her to marry him.

He did, and Heather accepted. She was not really dead, it was her doppelganger, Marge. They sat in the front row and shunned everyone, then afterward left quickly in a waiting limo. Once Heather found out, Victor was arrested for the murder of Walter Palin, and he was confronted with the diary he supposedly wrote about the murder. Jack was present, and Jill reminded them that he was still legally banned from having anything to do with Jabot. Total confusion about who was now in charge was calmed when Ashley Abbott arrived and announced that she was once again the rightful CEO of Jabot.

Jack was questioned by the FBI about his involvement with the diary, but only admitted that he hooked Adam up with the publisher. The forger, Frank Ellis, was arrested for something else, and cut a deal to turn over Jack and Adam. Adam tried to get her to marry and flee the country with him, but with a broken heart, Heather had Adam arrested instead.

Once the truth came out about the forged diary, Victor was released from jail, following a stern diatribe telling Adam he would not help him, to take his punishment like a man, and to learn not to ever turn on his father again.

Victor returned to the ranch to find that Ashley had moved in. Viewers saw Victor have a memory of the storm on the ship, which gave the impression that he had told Walter who he was, then abandoned him on the ship and made it ashore on his own.

Jack and Sharon began having marital problems, the same ones that broke up Jack and Phyllis, as Jack was always more interested in "getting Victor" than in his wife. Sharon caught him in so many lies that he was on his final chance at saving their marriage before the truth about the diary came out.

That was the last straw, and she and Noah moved out and into the Athletic Club. Jack saw them going into her room together, and went home to bed alone, his world fallen apart thanks to his own lies. Jack was served with divorce papers the next morning. Because Gloria went against Jeffrey forbidding her to testify for River at his trial, Jeffrey retaliated by burning his own face with the tainted cream so that Gloria would be discovered as the culprit.

Gloria was arrested and jailed for tainting the face cream, and the Abbotts tossed Jeffrey out of the pool house and sued him for the Jabot shares and damages. Jeffrey and Jill each wooed Gloria to sell her Jabot shares, and Jack also offered to drop the charges if she would sell to him, but she sold them to Victor instead for money deposited in an offshore account.

Jill accepted the offer and justified Billy's appointment to Cane because Billy was an Abbott. As part of his manipulating Ashley away from Jabot, Victor talked her into taking the deceased Brad Carlton's position on the Newman board, but Colleen showed up at the board meeting vote citing Newman by-laws that would allow her to assume her father's board seat. Victor called in J. Victor suspected Jack was behind it, and he was, although Colleen wanted to do it to honor her dead father Brad as well.

Meanwhile Jack was being advisor and confidant to Billy who was supposed to be playing the doting father living with Chloe and their daughter Cordelia to help her maintain custody. But Billy was secretly having an affair with Jack's not-yet-divorced-wife Sharon.

After Chloe realized that Billy was with another woman when she needed him, she moved back into the Chancellor estate with her mother, Esther. Phyllis caught Sharon and Billy together and threatened to tell Jack and Nick about their affair.

Sharon broke down, phoned Billy, and called things off. Jack arrived and she fell into his arms, ashamed and troubled. Jack asked her to come back to him, and he would forgive her anything. Sharon asked him to just keep her safe from the rest of the world, and Jack promised he would.

They made love, and Sharon moved back in with Jack. Meanwhile, Billy showed up with flowers for Chloe and smooth-talked her into giving him another chance. But Nick and Noah were both perplexed with her flakiness when only days later Sharon inexplicably decided to move back to the club.

Jill informed Billy that she was replacing him with Cane as Jabot CEO due to his lack of maturity, although Billy could still be in charge of Jabot's international sales division, but Billy quit on the spot, and told Jill that she would never see her granddaughter Delia again.

Later, Jill fired Jack and Ashley, telling them that they were living in the past and unable to embrace new ideas. Mary Jane apparently knew Jack years before and had reasons of her own to get close to Jack without being recognized. She presented a good case to Jack for why he should hire her to restore his tarnished image, and was hired.

But once Jill regained control of Jabot, she fired the Abbotts and Mary Jane, but then she lost Jabot when Katherine was declared alive. Mary Jane seduced Jack, and Jack began falling for her. Sharon told Doris that she was pregnant and there were three possible fathers. Later her dead daughter Cassie appeared to Sharon in a dream saying that the baby girl she had foreseen on her deathbed was Summer.

Sharon tried to tell Nick that she was pregnant but was interrupted, then told Jack, who confided in Billy, not realizing that Billy was the third potential father. Jack told Sharon he wanted her back and the baby, whoever the father was, so they reconciled. Jack had to dump Mary Jane, but she connived to get him back by getting Sharon involved with Nick again. Sharon finally admitted to Nick that she was pregnant and it may be his, which was overheard by Phyllis.

Phyllis lambasted Jack for letting it happen, and asked Jack how he could forgive Billy being the third possible father. Jack was shocked and later attacked Billy for it. Sharon admitted to Jack that Billy was the third possibility of fathering her baby, while Nick admitted to Phyllis that Sharon was pregnant and it may be his. Jack was understanding and loving even though it ruined his relationship with his brother, but said he still wanted Sharon and the baby no matter whose baby it is.

Phyllis reacted calmly and accepting, but gave Nick an ultimatum to choose between her and Sharon. Sharon made an appointment for a paternity test. Mary Jane appeared to have some mental problems, confiding in her stuffed cat "Mr. And Paul, after several evasive meetings, ordered a background check on her. Victor paid her off and terminated her services. Nick remembered the wonderful parts of his life with Phyllis, comparing them with memories with Sharon.

Sharon walked in and they kissed passionately, with Nick saying he was leaving Phyllis, wanting to be with Sharon. But Sharon turned him down, telling him that she and Jack were back together and raising the child, and that Sharon could not break up Nick's new family.

Despite this, Nick went home and told Phyllis that it was over. Later at the Athletic Club Nick came out of his room, caught Sharon coming down the hall, convinced her that they were meant to be, and they again made love. Meanwhile Phyllis was pouring her heart out to Jack, and they ended up making love as well, with Mary Jane scowling through the window.

But after Jack left Phyllis's, he went to Mary Jane and they made love too. Mary Jane began working on getting Phyllis out of Jack's life so she could have Jack to herself. Sharon got the paternity test results back and was ecstatic that she and Nick are expecting the daughter Faith that Cassie predicted on her death bed and in Nick's dream. But after seeing Nick so distraught over his daughter Summer being in a coma, Sharon realized that he needed to be there for Summer and Phyllis, and not run off with her like he did over Cassie, so Sharon told everyone that her baby was Jack's.

He accused her of being the one who gave peanut butter to Summer which caused her brain damage, and all she could do was tell him how much she cared about him. Her gushing over him, and his spotting her stuffed cat in the carrier made Jack play along, but she disappeared when he turned his back. Jack called Heather to get her arrested, but when she refused for lack of evidence, Jack said then he would get it. Victor called a press conference and named Mary Jane as the person who hurt his granddaughter, so the entire city began looking for her.

Mary Jane was discovered by Mac in an alley, and she befriended her thinking she was just a homeless person, giving her food, blankets and a place to stay in the back room at her bar. Meanwhile Jack and Paul banded together to find Mary Jane themselves. Meanwhile Sharon admitted to Jack that Nick was really the father of her unborn baby, and Jack refused to forgive her for lying to him.

Sharon watched from the bushes as Nick and Phyllis renewed their vows. Later Sharon walked out of the jewelers in a daze with a duplicate of Phyllis's new wedding ring, was arrested, and institutionalized for 30 days for mental observation.

Her mother Doris visited her and questioned why Jack, the father of her baby, had not been by to see her, causing Sharon to admit that Nick was the real father. Later as Doris left, Sharon opened her door and cautioned Doris not to tell anyone, but Nick was outside and overheard.

After Doris was out of sight, Nick returned and confronted Sharon with truth, and she admitted it. Meanwhile, Phyllis took Summer to Switzerland for expert help with her disability. Meanwhile a mystery woman took confession with Paul's brother Father Todd, who told Paul he recognized her as their sister Patty.

Paul spotted a woman at the athletic club in a blonde wig, recognized her as Mary Jane and followed her.

When he confronted her, she pled with him not to turn her in, and confessed that she was Patty. Paul was shocked, but took her to the convent for sanctuary, and called his assistant DA daughter, Heather, hoping to get Patty some help and not jail. Meanwhile Gloria and Jeff found out where she was, and hoping to steal her away to blackmail Victor, Gloria got inside dressed as a nun.

Jack saw the standoff at the convent on TV, he showed up there, and Paul let him inside. He too was shocked to discover that Mary Jane was Patty, and talked to her. Patty, with a kitten in her arms, had reverted to the young girl Paul knew and called "Pattycake", saying she knew that her big brother Paul and Jack would rescue her. Before she would surrender, she insisted Jack marry her, telling him she was pregnant by him. Another ADA was assigned to the standoff once Heather reported, and detective Chancellor was put in charge.

Suddenly the lights went out, and Patty was taken away by Gloria. Victor avoided the question, claiming he would never intentionally hurt a member of his family. Jack offered a two million dollar reward for Patty, hoping to outbid Victor. Jeff and Gloria heard it on the radio as they were driving Patty to hide out at the Abbott cabin, and ended up making deals with both, but both had booby-trapped their briefcases with blue dye that blew up in their faces, and no money.

Meanwhile, Paul charged into the ranch and demanded to know how his friend Victor could have done this to his sister, and to him, but Victor just denied it and sent him away. After they learned that Victor had brought back Patty Williams and turned her into Mary Jane Benson with plastic surgery and a new background to get back at Jack, Billy practically kidnapped Ashley, but she returned to Victor on her own.

Colleen lost a job prospect teaching at GCU when they saw the video of her dancing on a table topless online, so after confronting Victor about his part in setting it up to discredit her, she went out to the Abbott cabin to get over it.

She arrived to find a woman unknown to her tied to a chair and set her free. It was Patty Williams who was being held there by Gloria and Jeff, awaiting the arrival of Victor and Jack for the ransom they had paid.

Patty turned on Colleen and kidnapped her at gunpoint, taking her to Camp Cowabunga, and tying her to a tree. After Patty used Colleen's phone to call Jack, and Colleen hollered "cow.. Jack, J. Meanwhile Patty was bitten by a spider and had a bad reaction, Colleen freed herself, and held the gun on Patty, unsure what to do as Patty begged her for help. When Colleen tried to help her, Patty grabbed the gun away, but Colleen was able to convince her that she would get help and return, and left in a canoe.

Colleen fell out, and hit her head on the bottom of the boat when she surfaced, sending her sinking again. Colleen was clearly drowning in the same lake as her father had.

With an eerie sequence of visions she was visited by the people who loved her, begging her to fight and come back to them, and even visited her best friend Lily giving her final advice. Colleen saw her dead father and grandfather, ready to take her to the beyond. Jack realized where Colleen was, raced to the camp, and pulled her out of the lake. But as he tried to administer CPR, Patty was there holding the gun on him. Victor arrived and tried to convince Patty to drop the gun and let Jack save Colleen.

Patty shot Victor three times instead and ran into the woods with Paul following, and J. Colleen's mother Traci and step-father Steve, Billy, and Abby were at the hospital when Colleen was brought in, with Nick and Victoria there for Victor. Paul caught up with Patty and talked her into turning herself in, promising he would not abandon her, and she was to be taken to a psychiatric hospital.

Tests confirmed that Colleen was brain dead, and Traci finally made the heart-breaking decision to take her off life-support. Jack, Billy and her half sister Abby had a hard time comprehending it all. Jack and Billy protested, then Jack reconsidered and agreed since Victor had just saved his life.

Colleen was buried next to her father Brad, her kidneys donated to a 16 year old girl and corneas to a father who had never seen his children. After Katherine found out that Jill was jobless and penniless, she relented and made her equal partners with Jack at Jabot. Jack later found out that Katherine was taking Chancellor Industries public and she was aware that he was hoping to get enough shares to get Jabot back for his family.

Jack recommended Dr. Peterson for a psychologist position with the GCU Medical School and after a lot of resistance she accepted, so Patty continued to get therapy from her there. Jack began to be romantically drawn to Emily, and Emily's distain for Jack eased as he appeared to be genuinely regretful of the part he played in Patty's condition.

New Year's Eve , Jack surprised Emily with a ring and they became engaged. Meanwhile Patty appeared to be improving and enjoyed her visits from her brother Paul, but she believed that she was still married to Jack. Paul asked Emily to visit Patty because she was so out of control, not realizing that hearing of Jack and Emily's engagement had set her off.

Patty knocked Emily out and drugged her, changed her hair color, and switched places with her. Later Paul discovered Emily unconscious, believing her to be Patty, in a coma and not expected to live. Meanwhile Patty honeymooned with Jack, hoping to get pregnant.

Patty convinced everyone that she was Emily, and even Jack only noticed that she was more exuberant and now willing to go along with his plans against Victor. Diane and Patty clashed immediately once Jack left them alone, with Patty having a hard time maintaining the Emily persona while Diane went on about what a nutcase Patty had been back when she knew her when she had been Jack's mistress, and his wife Patty a mere child.

Emily awoke, and Patty threatened to kill her if she didn't keep her mouth shut. Emily tried to tell Paul who she really was, but Patty was always claiming to be Emily in her delusions, so he tossed the blood sample she gave him in the trash.

Patty would follow them and get jealous, plotting to get rid of Phyllis. Wealthy industrialist Tucker McCall ended up owning majority interest in Chancellor, which devastated Katherine.

Hellstrom, and Kevin Fisher, dump Jill as a lover, and sell Jabot. Because Victor got Adam to disclose the sealed bids, Newman was able to outbid the Abbotts for Jabot. Jack was livid when Victor fired him, accusing Victor of dirty dealing. Patty visited Emily in the institution for information on Jamie, and was told that they were very close, he was an antique dealer, and owned his own business.

Knowing Emily was allergic to cats, Jack adopted a cat and let it loose at the door so Patty, who loved cats, would take it in and prove who she was. Patty took the cat in and told Jack she named it "Cat".

Jack did not tip off Patty, but she knew that Jack was going to see Emily in the hospital. While Jack thought he was reuniting with the real Emily, Paul and Heather found a note left by Patty below the slashed painting of Emily at the Abbott mansion saying she was running away. Meanwhile, Emily, in the morgue drawer, was aware of what was going on but was unable to move or speak.

Paul then discovered that Patty had signed in to the hospital as Emily an hour before they got there, so he began searching for her. Jack realized that she was Patty, and demanded to know where Emily was, saying, "If you love me, tell me where Emily is so he can help her. Sobbing over her body, Jack noticed a tear in her eye, and realized Emily that was still alive. He got a doctor to give her an adrenaline injection to her heart, and Emily began coming back. Ever the dedicated doctor, Emily accompanied Jack via wheelchair to help Paul talk Patty out of killing herself with a syringe.

Patty was arrested and committed to a facility for criminally insane. Once Jack and Emily were finally alone together, Jack was shocked when Emily decided not to pursue their relationship, saying that if Jack was unable to realize Patty was not Emily for four months, they did not know each other well enough to be married.

Emily began feeling very paranoid, that someone was getting into her car and room while she was not there. Jack tried to reassure her, suggesting that maybe someone was trying to get back at her for something Patty did, and tried to convince her to return to live at the Abbott mansion.

Paul tracked down Jamie, and Emily convinced him that he needed help for his drug addiction, and to turn himself in to the police.

Paul later received a call from a red-headed, black cat-tattooed Patty in a bar in South America telling him that she was fine and would never return, as she twisted the rosary beads in her hand and necked with a guy she asked if she could call Jack. Meanwhile, try as they might to get back to the life they used to share, Emily told Jack she still loved him but left him and Genoa City.

The Abbotts and Newmans were served with a summons for a civil suit for holding Adam against his will back when they had trapped him in the cabin and made him confess to what he had done to Ashley. Michael met with Adam's attorney Vance Abrams and called it frivolous, but Vance would accept nothing less than twenty million dollars in damages. Victor arranged a settlement meeting with Adam and Vance. Taylor, Sharon, and Ashley. As they left, Skye warned Adam that she was in control, and not to screw her over again.

But the subject was never brought up again. Sofia decided to take Tucker up on his offer, and Jack talked Tucker into giving him the job right away. Jack cavorted with Skye and they were caught in bed together by Adam. Meanwhile D. Heather Stevens had Skye investigated. Heather confronted Skye and Adam with the discovery that Skye had bribed San Paulo Judge Medeiros, who had headed the San Paulo mafia and had disappeared along with a lot of money.

In fact the balance the judge took out when he closed his bank account was nearly same amount that Skye opened her account with in Genoa City.

In October , just as Jack and Phyllis were celebrating their reuniting, the Abbott manor doorbell rang, and there stood Diane Jenkins. Diane claimed to want Jack to get to know his son Kyle, but Phyllis refused to let history repeat itself and warned her that she had better not try. About a week later, a storm was brewing with a tornado right behind it. When the power went out, they started a fire in the fireplace to roast wieners, popcorn, and marshmallows. When Phyllis heard that Diane was staying in town and accepting a job with McCall Unlimited, Phyllis posted a story on the Restless Style website exposing all the dirt on Diane.

Once Tucker saw the story, especially that Diane was not a partner as she had claimed in the company she worked for in Toronto, he rescinded his job offer. Later Diane attacked Phyllis for the article and Jack for apparently condoning it, and Diane told Jack that he would never see his son again. While Diane was away desperately looking for work, Kyle read the article and demanded to know if his mother had really done all those terrible things. Jack ended up breaking it off with Phyllis while he mended his relationship with his son and Diane, but Jack would still meet Phyllis at her place or for dinner.

Adam served Skye with divorce papers and gave her a contract which removed him from the Newman Fund and gave her all the money. Jack was livid that Victor had blindsided him once again, and warned Victor that he was in trouble with the F. Victor told everyone he was leaving town to visit all his subsidiaries around the world. Victor boarded his jet, and Skye was there waiting to leave with him. Skye recalled how she had gone to Victor in desperation when the hedge fund had failed, and Adam had left her holding the bag facing prison.

So Victor had made it appear that Skye was dead to set up Adam for her murder. Victor gave Skye a new identity and promised to take care of her financially for the rest of her life so long as she did not play high stakes poker or divulge who she was. Sharon flew to Hawaii, but the proprietor of the general store where the box was located claimed no knowledge of Skye, even though he had just spoken to her. Skye was there alone looking very plain with no makeup and braids, and they met when Sharon left her group.

After Skye refused to return home with Sharon, Sharon took a photo as proof that Skye was alive. Sharon was unable to convince the authorities that Skye had ever been there, and Victor made sure when he found her glove and tossed it into the volcano. Later, back in Genoa City, Adam and his attorney, Leslie, believed Sharon, but the police assumed she had made up the story as an attempt to free Adam. Later Jack saw someone turn in a set of keys found on the volcano with the mailbox key the perfume was delivered to, and the same key ring Skye had had been photographed holding in a Newman elevator security tape.

Then Victor inexplicably posted her half-million dollar bail anonymously. Adam approached Jack with a deal to resurrect the Newman Fund again.

Jack had bought up most of the shares when they had become worthless, so he knew that he stood to make a lot of money. Jack called Adam a lowlife bastard, and Adam called Jack a sanctimonious jackass, and then they agreed to become partners. Phyllis was furious and vowed revenge, but Jack told her Victor threatened to have Jack sent to a Peruvian a prison for blowing up the cargo ship. Jack wanted to move on with his life, and Victor sold Jabot back to him.

Jack was determined to out what happened behind him. Phyllis encountered Marco at the Abbott mansion during a blackout. Jack realized Marco needed to be out of the picture. Marisa seduced Marco, and tied him to the bed. Jack, Victor, and Phyllis were all present as Marco was held captive and Jack and him finally had it out.

Victor had Marco returns to the Peruvian prison, and warned everyone present not to say an word. Jack was determined to move on his life, but Phyllis wanted vengeance. Billy joined Phyllis in her revenge schemes when it was discovered that Adam was alive, and Victor managed to help Adam avoid jail time. Billy and Jack's relationship was also strained when Billy found out Jack knew the whole time that Adam was in town the whole time.

Billy and Phyllis reactivated and launched the Paragon virus at Newman Enterprises said was recovering from the effects of a fire. Jack was forced to give Victor fifteen million dollars to prevent Victor from taking legal action against Phyllis and Billy.

Billy went to Jack for a loan because he had found out about a lucrative new business deal, and was hoping it could help Jabot recoup some of it's losses. Jack refused, and Billy left angry.

Billy was found by Marisa in the underground parking, and he was taken to the hospital in critical condition. Billy's family pulled together, but started to lose hope when his condition didn't improve. Jill refused to take Billy off life support, but Jack revealed Billy had given him power of attorney, so Jill has no say. Jack had the machines turned off, but Billy survived. Jack had hoped that Billy would turn his life around, especially once he and Victoria became Engadget again.

That hope didn't last long as Billy was revealed to be working with Phyllis, and a hacker named Natalie Soderberg to get revenge on Victor by giving a faulty version of her PassKey program while they sold the real program. Little by little, Victor's crimes were exposed to certain residents of Genoa City until the information got back to Paul, and Victor was arrested.

Victor was released on bail, but violated the terms by threatening Phyllis and Jack. Jack reported Victor, and he was remanded to custody until his trial. Jack was put off by Phyllis' constant need for revenge, and upset when she convinced Michael to represent Victor just to sabotage his defense and insure he got to sent to prison. Despite Luca Santori exposing them in court, Victor was still found guilty and sentenced to fifteen years in prison.

Jack became caught in a web of lies when Billy, Phyllis, Natalie, partners Kevin Fisher and Mariah Copeland all planned to lie at the deposition. They even convinced Summer to lie, so Jack begrudgingly lied as well. Jack did so, and Billy felt betrayed. Jack was also annoyed that Phyllis was constantly sticking up for Billy, despite all the damage he had done.

Jack accused Billy of trying to get back at him and Victoria, but Billy said it was just business. Jack managed to convince Fiona to stay with Jabot, but Fiona implied something was going on between Billy and Phyllis. Jack was shocked and confused when Phyllis suddenly stop defending Billy to Jack.

Jack eventually found out Billy and Phyllis had an affair, and was devastated. Jack quit the foundation, feeling like he could no longer believe in what it stood for. Jack also prepared to get a divorce from Phyllis, and fired her from Jabot. Phyllis tried to roam to Jack while he ran up the stairs, and he shook her hand off, causing Phyllis to fall down the stairs.

Though, Jack was worried about Phyllis, he still decided to end the marriage. Phyllis refused to give up in their marriage, and demanded Jack keep her on at Jabot, or she threatened to sue him for half of the company. Jack reluctantly agreed, but gave Phyllis an office in the closet in an attempt to get her to quit. He was also cold and distant with Phyllis, but Phyllis put up with Jack's attitude towards her, hoping to get back together with him again.

Phyllis eventually quit her job to go and work with Lauren, and help her develop a website. Jack decided too acquire Fenmore's, and got help from a Gloria, who wanted Jack to give her a job at Jabot's.

Gloria set about sabotaging Lauren's efforts to recruit investors at every turn. Eventually, Lauren managed to get a deal solely on her terms by having Eric Forrester say he was going to invest in Fenmore's. Jack agreed to Lauren's terms, and Fenmore's became a part of Jabot. Gloria and Jack ended up drunk and having a one night stand. Luckily for Jack, Hilary cut the show when she realized what story she was about to run.

Furious, Jack gave Gloria a job as his receptionist. Ashley started to give Jack a hard time about his recent decisions, and threatened to have Jack removed as the company's CEO, but she was forced to concede he had been right when Fenmore's started turning a profit. Later, Jack learned that Abby has bought a warehouse as part of her expansion plan for Newman Enterprises.

Abby was getting cold feet as Victor has rejected the idea, and Abby originally planned to prove it was a good idea, but was worried how Victor would react. Jack convinced Abby to tell him the warehouse, and the two became business partners. Jack heard Dina was selling Mergeron Enterprises and was curious as to why she would suddenly do that.

Ashley didn't share Jack's sentiment, still resenting Dina for abandoning them all those years ago. Later, Jack thought back to how Dina had taken care of him when he was injured and looked at a photo of him and Dina when he was a kid. Dina invited Jack to have lunch with her at her suit where Jack aired his grievances about Dina abandoning them. Dina regretted her decisions and want to get to know her children better and spend time with them.

Ashley was shocked that Jack like forgive their mother, but not Billy. Jack was shocked when Ashley invited Dina over for an Abbott family dinner. Kyle and Keemo were the only Abbott's absent from the dinner, and Jack enjoyed spending time with his mother again. Jack even joined Dina in singing a song she used to sing to him as a child.

However, Jack was devastated when Dina announced she was leaving and returning to Paris. Jack thought back to one of the times when Dina sang to him. Ashley told Jack she thinks Graham, Dina's associate, was forcing Dina to leave.

Despite Jack begging Dina to tell him what was going on, Dina denied that something was wrong, and she and Jack said a final goodbye. Devstated by Dina leaving again, Jack stared at a photo of him and John when he was a teenager, and thought back to the day he and John learned Dina wasn't coming home. Jack had remembered how both he and John had been devastated by Dina leaving them, and John and asked Jack to help him through it.

Jack is a very sophisticated and knowledgeable businessman and because of this he has merited himself an impressive amount of business success. Although, he does not let the fame and fortune get to his head, as he is a rather logical and level-headed individual. He proudly took the leadership of Jabot from his father, John.

His father means a lot to him and is a large part of everything he does. John often come to Jack in the form of a spirit to give him guidance. Victor and Jack have battled it out for decades and continue to this day, both being very stubborn men. Other characters have made remarks about Jack believing he is always right and being very judgmental and condescending of other people's actions. Despite this, Jack doesn't think twice about helping somebody in need.

He has continuously aided Adam Newman after his series of wrongdoings and is considered to be a father-figure to Adam as well as a good friend. Jack is always there to lend support to his ex wives, Nikki Newman and Sharon Newman. He has shown forgiveness towards Hillary Curtis after Ashley fired her by giving her a position equal to Ashley's. After Phyllis and Billy's affair, Jack became very bitter and cold.

He also became more ruthless in business, which caused him and Ashley to clash. Jack : The Moustache? I doubt it. You could drop a nuclear bomb on Genoa City; only Victor and the cockroaches would survive. Phyllis : Yes, Yes! And I am sorry that I hurt your feelings. I am sorry that I didn't tell you first, but she needed to feel some pain that is only fair!

I race to the edge! I let my anger and my fear just blind me to everything! You know why? Because I do stupid and crazy things, and you of all people should know that! And if you don't well then you tell me who the hell you fell in love with! Jack : I fell in love with you. I fell in love with you and all your stubbornness, and your tense, headstrong, misguided passion.

Victor : As much as I would love to watch Jabot's loss in profits, I'd much rather watch a sporting event. The Young and the Restless Wiki Explore. Sally Spectra Noah Newman. Crimson Lights Society. Memorial Hospital. Explore Wikis Community Central.

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